I also had several folks asking about war art from the so-called “bush war”. Whereas all wars breed their own fine war artists, I sadly do not have much from our bush war. One book I do however have (I got it as a birthday gift from my sister in 1983) was by Peter Badcock. The book is titled “Images of War” and it was published in 1981 by the Graham Publishing Company. All of Peter’s art was done in 2B and 4B pencil on Zanders board and each drawing had its own poem alongside it.
The above picture was titled “Triggered by the Siren” and is of a young SADF paratrooper readying himself before boarding the trusty old “Dak” before deployment to a contact area. Peter also did a book on the Rhodesian war titled “Shadows of War” – another excellent book if you can lay your hands on it.
Another cyber-liar has been brought to my attention: This is a character that claims to have served in EO and goes by the name and title of John Ben-Younes: Mercenary & Psychologist - personally, I suspect that he is in desperate need of a good psychologist as anyone who can think out that much rubbish must be mentally deranged. This clown obviously has a very wild imagination. But then again, he is not the first to lie about having been in EO. (Thanks for sending me the link Simon W). He also has another blog known as “diary of a mercenary” – I have not bothered to access his imagination on that one. But I am sure it will simply confirm my suspicions...
Work on my book has stalled as well. But, I am pleased to say that the editing is going well. This is all due to the hard work of a certain gentleman-lecturer at the US Naval Academy. There has however been some complaints about the fact that I am writing a book on ground operations in Africa...
Hopefully, I will be able to pick up where I left from shortly.
Thanks for your continued visits and comments and again my apologies for talking so long to get back to the blog.
Welcome back and sometimes it's necessary to take a break and come back even stronger.
Thanks, Ken. It was however not so much taking a break as it was unable to visit my blog. Usually, it happens due to very poor ADSL lines but this time it was work related.
Welcome back. Boy, I always dig that kind of artwork and thanks for sharing. Max Crace does some similar stuff, and he did a few Vietnam era pieces that were very interesting.
I also put the word out on the poser you brought up through my facebook page. I hope word spreads. -matt
Welcome back Eeben. I am hopeful that your work efforts are fruitful.
Thanks Jake. As you well know, there are meetings and then there are meetings about meetings...these things have a way of tying one up in knots. But, hopefully it was all worth it.
I really enjoyed the Vietnam art as well, Matt. Max’s work was really good.
Thanks for spreading the word re these poser/wannabes. It is much appreciated.
Good god - I looked at his blog, that John Ben-Younes is a major Douchebag – he is probably a 13 year kid blogging from his mom’s basement, if not he is just another “I was there” poser that someone needs to flog (it also looks like he shut down his new blog)
Good on you for exposing this dog rapist
~James G
He is certainly that and more, James. I am actually sick and tired of people like this who claim to have served in any unit or organisation that made a name for itself. Luckily Simon W spotted this idiot.
By the way, did you get my response to your kind offer?
Welcome back to your blog. Always good to hear that work interferes with blogging - I believe blogging is the modern form of starving artist syndrome.
Look forward to the book - I actually tried to wade through Scahills work on Blackwater and could not get past halfway. The author definitely has something against Christians. Luckily it only cost me a couple bucks in a second hand store. Not up to the standard of your work.
Yeah the blog for this "John Ben-Younes"-guy seems pretty dead! Had quite the laugh here since I've visited his blog several times before and just thought he was 'less intelligent' because of his low-quality posts,but I guess he was a poser in addition to that! lol
Hello Eeben,
Hope everything is well and the book is going gangbusters.
Just ordered the EO hardback. I'll be waiting 8-12 weeks for it to be delivered by mule rucksack over the rugged African terrain, to my humble abode in America.
It will hopefully be a surprise; I like surprises like that!
Good reading the blog. Takes me back to 1988
Hey Eeben,
I'm afraid I've been rather derelict in my blog-following of late, but good to know there'll be more to look forward to in the near future. By the way your book came in as a handy reference for several papers I wrote for some of my courses this semester. I must re-read it in full when I have the time...
A shame to hear about more people determined to cash in on the actions of people like yourself, rather than trying to make a mark for themselves in some way, be it military or otherwise. At least this one didn't slip through the net.
By the way, as things stand I'm planning to write my history dissertation on some aspect of the use of 'mercenary' forces in a modern context, i.e. late twentieth century. I haven't yet pinned down an exact question I wish to address but I shall probably be bugging you for information at some point in the next few months! I of course leave it up to your discretion how much time or information you wish to spend on my efforts but it would be a waste not to approach someone with as much firsthand knowledge as yourself when attempting such a project. I shall endeavour to check out some of the other sites/blogs that have been mentioned in past discussions here, and if any leap to mind then I'd be most appreciative if you would point me in the right direction.
Anyway, great to have you back. Take care and I look forward to your future posts.
Ciao Boss , good to to exchange with you again , hopefully "those" meetings are an anticipation of good things to come for all and like I said before if there is a man who can make the difference , that is you . All the best broer - regards Fabio .muttr
Well said, John. Indeed it is much like the starving artist syndrome but it gives me a soapbox to use as well.
I found Scahill’s book rather poorly researched and with many incorrect “facts” in it. I don’t think you lost too much by not finishing it.
I had never heard of him until someone pointed me in the direction of his blog, Diamond Dallas Rage. Having wasted some time going back to it, I also note that he hasn’t been too active on it. Pehaps he is away on another “EO mission”?
If only I had the time to just write, Jared, but work continues to interfere. Mind you, I enjoy the work as it does stimulate my feeble mind and give me a lot of things to think about.
Thanks for ordering the hardback. Like you, I have my doubts about the postal service but let’s hope for once they can do their job efficiently.
Thanks for the visit, Phillip. I hope those 1988 thoughts aren’t all bad.
I am pleased the book could serve as a bit of a reference, Alex.
I am afraid the world has a lot of such people. What gets my goat is that people like that don’t even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the men who served in EO.
Time willing, I shall gladly help out where you feel I can make a contribution. Good luck with your dissertation.
Thanks for the compliment Fabio. I am however very fortunate to have good men who still walk close to me and their inputs always serve me well. We learnt a long time ago that when we stand together, we are much stronger in everything we do.
When are you visiting SA?
I don’t blame you for leaving the situation you found yourself in, Private – remember what Sun Tzu said when being outnumbered? I applaud your actions.
Pleased to hear that your aunt is okay. Take good care of her.
It is sometimes important to watch and see what develops before taking any action. Premature action can sometimes rebound back at one in a negative manner. Hence my approach. But that does not mean that I do not watch carefully what is happening.
Take care of yourself and release Mr Beam to his own devices.
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