The book ‘Executive Outcomes: Against all Odds’ was finally signed
off this morning and is due to go to print.
Revising and updating the book was a bumpy and at times, a
painful journey. However, a great editor and an understanding publisher made it
easier to finally reach the end of the road. I am happy with the final result,
and I hope the men who served the company so loyally will also be pleased with
the end result. Obviously, it was not possible to mention everyone by name who
served in the company, but those who served know who they are. They can be
justly proud of what they achieved.
The book (770 pages) contains a lot of new information and
photographs. It not only covers the contracts EO engaged in, but also a lot of new
information on the devious role played by elements of Military Intelligence,
and their lackeys—including some very unethical journalists who used their
poison-pens to further their own personal agendas. The double-dealing of our politicians
of that time, and their efforts to deceive the South African public, is also discussed.
The cover of the book was changed as the publisher felt it
necessary to break from previous covers—including a book written by someone else
that used virtually the same cover.
My thanks to everyone who encouraged and supported me in
getting to the end of this road. My thanks too to the Military Intelligence officers
who found the courage to come clean and finally speak to me.
I truly hope that the book will finally lay to rest the many
ghosts of the past and expose the false and misleading ‘intelligence’ and ‘news’
for the lies they were.
Will there be an e reader version availiable?
That will depend on the publisher Adam
Keep me posted where to order your new book. (Isbn nr?)
Thank you! I can't wait to read this. Currently reading "Four Ball One Tracer" and "Gunship Ace". I want to read about EO from the "main source" so to speak, so I will look forward to this!
Thanks for your interest Tatwar. You can find ordering info here: https://www.warbooks.co.za/products/executive-outcomes-against-all-odds-eeben-barlow-revised-edition?variant=133840044035&fb_ref=pLaSSsBsNf-Facebook&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=ShareButton&utm_campaign=GetSocial
Thanks Adam. Roelf's book is a good view of how he experienced life in EO, warts and all. If you want to pre-order, you can find information here: https://www.warbooks.co.za/products/executive-outcomes-against-all-odds-eeben-barlow-revised-edition?variant=133840044035&fb_ref=pLaSSsBsNf-Facebook&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=ShareButton&utm_campaign=GetSocial
Mr Barlow, it is Rocca here, i hope you are well. It is so great to hear from you. I cannot wait to own a copy of that book
Hello Mr. Barlow,
I came to your blog in search of some truth. I read obscure journalists reporting on the state of affairs In South Africa, Mainly the reported constant attacks on the farmers. You hear nothing on mainstream media, ( which I have altogether stopped watching anywise many years ago) but as you mentioned in your blog about lies , deceptions and no truth. are these lesser known reporters telling the truth ? like Pejotade Fotografia . if they are accurate what, a truly horrific state of affairs . or are they painting a picture of fear mongering and hate.
Hi: Could you please tell me if this book will be available on Amazon in the UK or here in the US where I am located. If so, when?
I am not sure if it will be sold in the UK via bookstores, Oscar. I do know that a lot of orders are received by www.warbooks.co.za and that they do buk shipping to the UK.
Thanks for your interest and I hope this helps.
Thanks for your interest Rocca.
Media reporting always comes with agendas Bearfootbob.
To say all is well in SA would be a lie as the situation is very volatile and problematic. Farm murders and other crimes are very high. But, the media often ignores the crime stats to pacify domestic and foreign investors.
Attempts are being made by the incoming administration to urgently address these issues but as you know, this will not happen as quickly as it ought to .
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