Some of my Nigerian friends and I were discussing the
situation in Mali and the apparent lack of good advice, intelligence, strategy,
training, intelligence forecasting and threat analysis that led to the current
situation there. Virtually everything required to make a government strong,
secure the state and protect the populace was sorely lacking. (To the folks who
asked me about Mali, will be able to offer a lot of insight into the current efforts in West
Africa and Mali. My friend “Beegeagle” runs this very popular blog - 10 000
visits a day should give an idea of its popularity).
During these discussions, I suggested that it is time
for African governments to begin asking some very hard questions, especially in
terms of some of the “free” advice and training governments and their armed
forces are given. After all, even the SANDF has “benefitted” from some of this
advice and training.
But, back to Mali where a very simplistic background
is as follows:
The geo-political, economical and threat changes,
challenges and developments that have taken place since the so-called Arab
Spring have impacted severely on both North and West Africa. The pre-coup
Malian government was certainly not as pure as the driven snow. As early as
2003, the former President of Mali allegedly allowed extremist control of the
North whilst allegedly raking in huge sums of money from narco-trafficking and
ransom payments. Added to this was the
issue of depleted land resources – one reason for Tuareg discontent with the Malian
government - overgrazing of the
semi-arid lands bordering Mali and Niger and the subsequent desertification of
those lands. Then there was the steady rise of AQIM, MOJWA and others who had
the potential to form hostile anti-government alliances. The collapse of Libya
added to the flow of weapons and combat experience into the conflict areas. It
appears that no-one was able to predict this or even noticed.
Initially the removal from power of President Amadou Toumani Touré by a coup may have appeared to be to the benefit of Mali and the region.
This regime change took place a mere five weeks before a presidential election was to be held with the
outgoing President stating that he was not interested in running for office
again. But then, a poorly foreign-trained army’s discipline
collapsed, opening the door to uncertainty, chaos and an offensive by the
extremists in the North. Whilst the extremist offensive was being planned, we
twice warned the new government of Mali of the threat build-up and the need to
take immediate and drastic action to curb it before the extremist offensive
could gain momentum. (To those who think this was an attempt to gain employment
– don’t let your imagination run away with you). They were either advised not to listen to the
warnings or to simply ignore our “disinformation”.
Poor governance resulted in Mali’s Vital Interests and
National Interests becoming even more threatened as the country’s pillars of
state came under increasing attack. Some of these interests happened to
coincide with the Foreign Interests of France, who arguably had the courage to
intervene to protect their interests and their citizens living in Mali.
Nigeria and its West African allies also committed men
to the conflict as a successful takeover of Mali by the extremists will certainly
pose a threat to West Africa. Extremist success in Mali would only embolden the
enemy and provide other similar groups with a safe haven/springboard from where
to plan and launch their operations into Europe and deeper into Africa. Additionally,
success in Mali will give the extremists a new front from where to launch
operations into Algeria. Perhaps they will do this under the guise of “democratic
forces” and the international community will once again jump in to help “democratic
extremists” as they did in Libya, Syria, Egypt and so forth.
Regardless of the situation, it is the development and
escalation of the crisis in Mali that prompted us to beg whether questions
should not be asked - and answered. These questions included inter alia the
Did the “free” advice given
to Mali not indicate or even hint at the importance of threat analysis and
intelligence forecasting? If so, why not?
What advice and support
were the Malians given by their advisors during the development of their
National Security Strategy?
What did the “free”
military advice and training consist of?
Who trained the Malian
armed forces?
What happened to the Mali
intelligence effort?
Who trained the Malian
intelligence services?
Was no one able to predict
the proliferation of weapons into Mali after the collapse of Libya?
Why were Malian army units
so rapidly overwhelmed by the extremists?
Where was the so-called
Rapid Intervention Unit?
The list of questions goes on and on...
To anyone who doubts my comments – and concerns –
about the level of training given to the Malian armed forces, take a look at
the training of their “Rapid Intervention Force” at
I have witnessed the results of a lot of this
so-called “free” advice and training that is given to African armed forces. In
a nutshell, it is pathetic. A look at what happened and is still happening in
CAR, DRC, S Sudan and other states is testimony to poor training, bad advice, incoherent
doctrines, a lack of intelligence, a lack of strategy, poor discipline and a
lack of motivation and will.
African armies have a choice in terms of training,
advice and support: Accept the freebies and suffer the consequences or pay for
it and have someone to hold to account.
But, the answers to many of these questions will be
found in a line in Bob Dylan’s famous song: “The answer my friend, is blowing
in the wind...”
Good day Eeben, the question begs,,, where next?
With the current trend and direction could the "Arab Spring" head to Mauritania ,Morocco, Western Sahara? It is a nice long line of countries from where the extremists could sow the seeds of destruction and draw Nigeria`s already fragile political/religious clans into the quagmire.
If the west does nothing and allows this "Arab Spring" to continue unabated it could end up as the West`s own "winter of discontent."
The way i see it is that we are all on a slippery slope and the hand rails are being chopped down. The trend seems to be running East to West across Africa and will surely start flowing down like a disease.
My humble uninformed 2 cents
A not so uninformed view, Mike.
It is spreading and what the Arab Spring did was provide access to uncontrolled flow of weapons. What I still cannot get my head around is the provision of air support to extremists in one country and then the bombing of them in the next.
Africa has such potential but it is being wasted. But, I believe that Foreign Interests have replaced Vital and National Interests. Mali has, in many ways, itself to blame – as do many African countries. For this reason, they should not be entertained when they provide poor governance or sell the birthright of their people. Yet, when these governments finally realise they are in deep trouble, they blame someone else – and yes, there are some to blame – but had they governed and strengthened the pillars of state, they would never have found themselves in the predicament they are in.
Strengthening the state by making use of dubious foreign advisors is a shot to the head.
After all, when you are perceived as weak, the enemy appear strong.
I agree that many know what is coming SFMedic but I do not believe that they do not know what to do. I think they know what to do but do not know how to do it. I attribute this to poor advice, lack of training, lack of will, etc, etc.
Whereas tribalism definitely plays a role in many of these conflicts, I have also seen it being encouraged and exploited by advisors. Any advisor worth his salt should not involve himself in tribal and cultural issues he knows nothing about.
The resources are there but many leaders have sold this birthright – or nationalised it to their own advantage.
Hi Eeben
No training is free. The West knows how to play the “for free” game. On top of that, the training is sub standard, and the equipment, their rejects. As soon as a receiver of such equipment becomes a bad guy, no spare parts are available for their Western equipment.
As soon as Western forces deploy in countries, strangely enough, rebel groups’ start forming and become threats to Governments. (CAR, DRC, South Sudan, Nigeria? etc.)
As you rightly point out, who trained the Malians, Algerians etc etc.
To add to some comments on the “Arab Spring” – The West are sending their troops to be killed and maimed in Iraq and Afghanistan, but support the extremists in Libya, Egypt, Syria…. The support they gave them via SF troops on the ground, airstrikes etc. and then they turned around and bite them in the back through an embassy attack and 4 Americans killed, amongst them the ambassador who in fact supported the rebels in Libya. So the strange thing here is, as soon as a Government is actually trying to control/suppress an extremist/terrorist uprising, they are criticized by the West as being dictators and not wanting a democracy. The West in return assist the “freedom fighters” and after the smoke clears, are surprised at the results!
From the tone of your comment, I deduce that you are from Africa, Unknown?
Yes, you are correct. There is no such thing as “free” training – I have witnessed the disastrous effects of many of these so-called free training programmes. The scramble for Africa started several years ago and both the West and the East are hedging their bets to see who can claim Africa’s resources. “Free” training is one way to ensure that the so-called beneficiary has to continually look to you for help when they need it. (As mentioned, look where this approach got the SANDF). This help then comes at a price that is often unaffordable.
Your comment on the sudden rise of rebels groups once SF teams arrive in a country is something many Africans I speak to have noticed and it is causing them extreme concern. Unfortunately, this approach to foreign policy is driving governments in exactly the opposite direction and they are beginning to view the West with a growing suspicion.
As for bombing and fighting extremists in one theatre and then supporting them in another theatre is furthermore equally alarming to many on this continent. It is indicative of foreign governments’ inability to identify the enemy/threat – a critical factor in any strategy or operational plan development. You are correct – when the real threat emerges, they feign surprise and cannot understand how their supposed ally – who was actually their real enemy to begin with – could attack them.
One cannot blame the soldiers and airmen who are providing this training and advice as they are simply following their orders. However, it is putting them increasingly at risk – something that in turn is equally concerning.
Excellent analysis and here is a toast to a new year and a farewell to the bloody and chaotic prior year!
What kills me about Mali is that the US spent over 500 million on training forces in Mali, and I am wondering what was taught? Classes on coups and how 'not to be a soldier'? lol
Here is the money quote from this article I read recently.
"The U.S. spent more than $500 million in a “counterterrorism” program backing the Malian military against the insurgents, including the training of elite military units by U.S. Special Forces. U.S.-trained units under Tuareg leadership then defected, leaving the Malian forces demoralized. In March 2012, a U.S.-trained officer, Capt. Amadou Sanogo, led a coup to overthrow the government of President Amadou Toumani Touré."
With that said, someone in the hi command needs to re-evaluate the process of training these folks, and future forces that will be used against the islamists throughout Africa, because this is unsatisfactory in my book.
Also, I talked a little bit on my blog about the possible PMSC contribution in this new phase of the GWOT. I think this ECOWAS force will require much hand holding and training, much like with the AMISOM force. We will also see security upgrades and manpower adjustments with private companies all throughout the region.
I was curious what you thought about the possible contributions of PMSC's in Africa as the islamists continue to take land? Take care. -matt
That is an astonishing amount to pay for failure, Matt! I can only shake my head at the gross incompetence we witness with these so-called training teams.
Well, PMCs with a real reputation (I am not talking about the wannabees which seem to be all over the show getting contracts) can make a massive contribution. Sadly though, your Dept of State seems to pettily view my company as some sort of enemy so the chances of us getting involved are about zero.
I have long maintained that African forces are completely incorrectly structured – they are semi-clones in terms of organisation of their European or old-Soviet masters. But that mind-set prevails and noting will change it.
My argument is that if you haven’t won a war, how the heck do you teach soldiers how to win? A great many PMCs – and foreign army training teams – have records of failure. One cannot therefore expect to get a winning team out of that. I know this will upset many but it is the harsh reality of life.
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